This is NOT another system.

If you’re like me, you may have found that systems leave you frustrated when you can’t stick to them, or they don’t fit your life or suit your personality.

You are already masterful at juggling many priorities, doing incredible amounts of things and making stuff happen.

What I want to share with you is a joyful journey in enabling you to experience more joy and more impact – while you are doing all the things.

Yes, we will explore…

  • how to do things you don't want to do

  • how to get into flow

  • how to save time

  • what really matters most when it comes to leading and living productively

But most importantly,

life and work isn't something to ‘get done’.

It's something to live fully, with lots of joy.

And we can do this by adding feminine energetics to productivity.

We are so focused on doing!

Getting things done. Faster. More. Now.

But it is who you *are* and the energy with which you do the thing that matters – often so much more that what you are doing.

Most productivity trainings focus only on masculine energetics.

I want to show you what happens when you add in the feminine.

We will never be truly productive if we only focus on the action. 

We know this! Yet it's hard to measure the "feminine"/the energy/the ‘who you are’. And because of that, we often leave the energetics as an afterthought to our productive doing.

It’s time to experiment with this and decide what energy you want to bring to your ‘doing’. Focus more on the energy than the doing, and explore what happens...

And if you want more of this, definitely join Productivity w/Joy.

What is productivity w/joy?

This is a mixture of mindset re-wiring, self-leadership and practical tips that will support your daily productivity and how you get the most out of your work and your personal life >>>

  • How to do the difficult/annoying things you are avoiding

  • How to help yourself thrive in your doingness

  • What flow is, and how to get into flow

  • What feminine energetics adds to productivity

  • And so much more!

Who is this for?

It's for wonderful humans who juggle a lot of things and want to have the energy to enjoy all aspects of their life.

It's for you if…

  • you often wonder how to have time to ‘do it all’

  • you want to live a full life where you have energy to look after yourself, your relationships and your work impact (and enjoy it!)

How does it work?

It's an online self-study course

  • 5-10 minute video + audio trainings

    21 days of inspirational daily 5-10 minute video + audio trainings. Easy to fit into your day for a powerful enhancement of who you already are.

  • 6 months' access

    You can listen whenever you choose. And you’ll have 6 months’ access to all the material so you can go back over it as often as feels good.

‘What if I don't have time, or if I can't stick to systems?’

It takes just 5-10 minutes daily to listen to these trainings. There is no homework, and you can listen while driving / walking / doing a task that doesn't require your mind.

This is NOT another system. This is something different. You will likely design new habits, ways of working and approaching tasks in new (better) ways - but not because you are following a system. Because you are finding ways that work for you!

Why join now?

You matter. Your time matters. How you use your days matters. You get to have joy AND productivity.